Can Spanish Speakers Understand Portuguese?

<p>I recently received this message in a work-related request. Apparently, if I can write in Spanish, it automatically qualifies me to write in Portuguese.</p> <p>Only if everything was&nbsp;<em>that</em>&nbsp;simple.</p> <p>Spanish and Portuguese both have their origins in Latin and both originated in the Iberian Peninsula. It&rsquo;s not entirely clear when each language became independent from the other, but it must&rsquo;ve been somewhere between the 14th century and the 16th. D.Dinis, the king of Portugal in the early 14th century, is famous for his poetic verses in Galaico-Portuguese. Cam&otilde;es, the great Portuguese poet, still understood a similar language, but wrote his epic &ldquo;The Lusiads&rdquo; (1556) in fully-fledged Portuguese.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>