Tag: Politicians

How Can We Attract Better Politicians?

Back in the 1930s, it wasn’t uncommon to enter somebody’s house and see a portrait of Franklin Roosevelt on the wall. This made sense at the time. He was a very popular politician, with approval ratings that sometimes topped 80%. But it was more than that — in addition to...

Are Our Elderly U.S. Politicians Getting Too Old for Re-election?

On September 8, 2023, Nancy Pelosi confirmed her intention to seek reelection to her seat in the House of Representatives. Should she? Nancy Pelosi is 83 years old, and many would argue that her age should be a prohibitive factor in her seeking reelection, for many reasons. While I’m an all...

Best PR Agencies for Celebrities and Politicians in London

A reputable PR agency is crucial to consider when you are well-known and in the public eye. The best public relations firms ensure that your image as a public figure is maintained by utilising networks, relationships, and knowledge impeccably. London City is the global hub of politics, media, jou...

Should We Put Age Limits on Politicians?

Should there be a cap on how old our public officials can be? According to a Pew Research Center survey, the answer for most Americans is yes. As of this writing, the President of the United States is 81 years old. He is running for reelection. Should President Biden be successful, he will b...

The sheer stupidity of some potential politicians

I live in Sheffield. They used to call Sheffield the socialist republic of South Yorkshire. You could pin a red rose to a donkey in Sheffield Central and people would vote for it. I defy Eddie to go to some of the areas of Sheffield Central like that and see what happens! What makes me laugh is the ...

Combat Disingenuous Politicians Claims!

When many politicians seem to believe they are entitled to run for office, merely by making false claims, blaming and complaining, revising history/reality, lying, and proceeding as if they feel the public is easy to fool, and thus, they simply articulate populist, convenient ideas, we should all be...

Politicians With Criminal Cases has Increased in India

Ironically, in India, the festival of democracy gets celebrated with hatred and violence at its back. We are used to vote-bank politics, illogical hatred speeches and campaigns with social media trends as its frontier soldiers. India is the largest democracy globally, but it has shown itself as one ...

Why We Keep Getting Awful Politicians

Forget bankers, lawyers, and traffic wardens — if there is one profession the public loves to hate, it’s politicians. Recent research shows that some 65% of Americans believe that politicians only run to serve their own interests, and just 20% trust the government in Washing...

Trusting the young aspiring politicians

Campaigning and elections don’t really take a hiatus. It’s been an extremely busy time at the forefront of primary elections in the US, local elections in small towns across the globe, prepping for the upcoming European elections, and just general solid constituency work. Every electi...

It’s a Privilege to Be This Tired

I don’t mean I need to go to bed (although I do). I mean I’m upset, mad, sad, scared, worried, and some more adjectives that I can’t quite put my finger on. I couldn’t sleep last night because this country exhausts me. Our politicians exhaust me. Apathetic, uninvolved, and...

How Presidents and Politicians Impact Sneaker Resale

The sneaker resale market is one of the most dynamic and fascinating segments of the fashion industry. It is driven by supply and demand, hype and trends, and the influence of celebrities and influencers. But did you know that presidents and politicians can also have a significant impact on the snea...

Polyglot Politicians: How Many World Leaders Speak English?

At a joint press conference in 2019, US President Donald Trump declared, as he often does on such occasions, that his Indian counterpart was a very smart man and his very close friend. He also commented that Narendra Modi “speaks very good English, he just doesn’t want to talk.” Th...