Combat Disingenuous Politicians Claims!

<p>When many politicians seem to believe they are entitled to run for office, merely by making false claims, blaming and complaining, revising history/reality, lying, and proceeding as if they feel the public is easy to fool, and thus, they simply articulate populist, convenient ideas, we should all be concerned! These days, whether it is an election for a local, regional, state, or federal office, we too-often witness campaigns based on generalizations, denials, and simply-saying what they feel their core constituents want to hear! At best, it is dishonest, but, in the real world, it creates a society, where the nation, world, and the concepts of democracy, rights and freedoms, are under-siege! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss 10 areas, where the public needs to wake-up, before it&rsquo;s too late!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>