Tag: polar

Fewer polar bears, more people

It’s no coincidence that when asked to describe what imagery they associate with climate change, my interview participants (and nearly everyone I’ve asked since out of curiosity) listed images consistent with visuals that accompany climate news the most in mainstream media. Despite ...

Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows: Understanding the Dynamics of Polar and Non-Polar Attention

When faced with challenging situations, our instinct is often to resist, worry, or ruminate — all forms of negative, polar attention. This resistance can inadvertently amplify the very issues we wish to avoid. By practicing non-polar attention, we accept the present moment and the potential wo...

The Fascinating of the Sun’s Polar Reversal

This phenomenon, also known as the solar flip, is a part of the solar cycle, a periodic change in the Sun’s activity and appearance. This cycle, which occurs approximately every 11 years, influences various solar events, including the number and size of sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass...