Fewer polar bears, more people

<p>It&rsquo;s no coincidence that when asked to describe what imagery they associate with climate change, my interview participants (and nearly everyone I&rsquo;ve asked since out of curiosity) listed images consistent with visuals that accompany climate news the most in mainstream media.&nbsp;<strong>Despite the complexity of climate change issues, the diversity of images used in its communication are surprisingly limited</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>and animals, extreme weather events, and natural disasters are the persistent favourites</strong>. Climate change and associated environmental issues are often perceived as somewhat abstract and difficult to imagine, especially when a lot of us don&rsquo;t consider ourselves to be on the frontline of climate consequences. Therefore the mental images we develop are heavily influenced by what we see in the public domain.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@abisavesearth/less-polar-bears-more-people-507bd3af7b4e"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: polar Bears