Tag: Piece

How Long is a Piece of String?

Builders- If you had a dollar for every time you used this chestnut of a line, you wouldn’t be building any more. You’d be kicking back on an island with a cocktail in hand. Homeowners- How often have you heard this line when starting a new custom build or renovation project? Eno...

Thought piece: excuses, mental mind games, and Mexico City

This is about as far “up” I’ve ever gone, and getting to this moment is one of the most anxiety ridden things my body and brain have to go through. Flying. And, admittedly, a reason why I haven’t been writing like I’ve been doing so in the past. The thought of it has be...

A Piece of the Pie

Just as one of the prerequisites for an exceptional pie is to have a superior crust, any community group needs a strong foundation, combining just the right mixture of core values and dedicated team spirit in order to grow and remain sustainable. Ever since its inception in 2018, FIG has focused its...

Islam is not defined by a piece of land

“We live among ruins in a World in which ‘god is dead’ as Nietzsche stated. The ideals of today are comfort, expediency, surface knowledge, disregard for one’s ancestral heritage and traditions, catering to the lowest standards of taste and intelligence, the apotheosis of the...

“Of these three….”

I generally like The Onion. It can be mildly amusing. Its humor doesn’t always match my own, but that’s fair. The problem is that I can’t always tell whether a headline in the newspaper or on the internet is an Onion piece or is reality. To be fair, that’s n...

Touching a Piece of Sky

My routine morning jog at sunrise was slightly delayed today by an early television interview on the CBC News Network in Canada. Natalie Kalata asked me for the significance of the sample return from the asteroid Bennu today and I replied: “It feels like touching a piece of...

Understanding Japan from a Little Piece of Metal

When I joined a big American company, on the first day on the job I was handed a thick set of documents, the most important of which was the employee handbook. The handbook included 50 pages of rules and procedures. At the very top was the rule that if I was caught with drugs or alcohol on compan...

A Piece of Americana

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less. Please be so kind as to remain on this page for 30 seconds, so this short story will count as a read. If you enjoy my story, I would appreciate it if you would clap, highlight, and comment. Thank you. Tom and Millie were ...