A Piece of the Pie

<p>Just as one of the prerequisites for an exceptional pie is to have a superior crust, any community group needs a strong foundation, combining just the right mixture of core values and dedicated team spirit in order to grow and remain sustainable. Ever since its inception in 2018, FIG has focused its energies on growing the Taipei improv community through its&nbsp;<a href="https://jeffreyschwab-30696.medium.com/building-community-through-improv-c52bdf9275a5" rel="noopener">weekly bilingual improv workshops&nbsp;</a>that are open to those who are experienced improvisers, as well as those who may be trying improv for the first time. Although the venue which hosts the workshops changes from time to time, FIG currently hosts the weekly donation-based workshops at&nbsp;<a href="https://www.facebook.com/TwoThreeComedy" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Two Three Comedy</a>&nbsp;on Monday evenings from 7&ndash;9pm. This is the same location where FIG performs on the first Saturday of the month.</p> <p><a href="https://jeffreyschwab-30696.medium.com/a-piece-of-the-pie-1b3ab6e13427"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pie Piece