Understanding Japan from a Little Piece of Metal

<p>When I joined a big American company, on the first day on the job I was handed a thick set of documents, the most important of which was the employee handbook.</p> <p>The handbook included 50 pages of rules and procedures. At the very top was the rule that if I was caught with drugs or alcohol on company property, I&rsquo;d be automatically terminated.</p> <p>I understood the logic &mdash; besides the engineering and sales offices, we were a factory. And being under the influence of alcohol or drugs was dangerous when you were operating a 30 ton injection molding machine. Or a forklift.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/japonica-publication/understanding-japan-from-a-little-piece-of-metal-183d12120ffb"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Piece Metal