In a world of data streams and computer ‘wizardry,’ where patterns emerge from raw information, I find my passion as a data scientist. It’s like exploring a digital maze, uncovering valuable insights from piles of raw data. In this article, I invite you into the world of data scien...

Perpetual Association: Rethinking Employee Engagement, Attrition, and Retention

In the traditional business landscape, employee engagement, attrition, and retention have been viewed in rather static terms. Companies often focus their efforts on keeping their current employees satisfied, motivated, and productive, while loss of employees (attrition) is seen as a negative outcome...

An autistic adult on life as the perpetual villain

If the bullies are to be believed, I am a bad person. In fact according to them, I’m the bully. When my telecommunications provider’s gross incompetence and poorly designed backend systems resulted in me having to spend almost 3 hours instore one afternoon running around in ...

America’s Breeding of Criminals and Perpetual Crimes

There were several inmates within hearing distance of this dialogue. When they heard this remark from this particular staff member their expression was one of shock and surprise. It really should not have come as a surprise, sad to say. My experience with prison staff of various rank has always tend...