Perpetual Association: Rethinking Employee Engagement, Attrition, and Retention

<p>In the traditional business landscape, employee engagement, attrition, and retention have been viewed in rather static terms. Companies often focus their efforts on keeping their current employees satisfied, motivated, and productive, while loss of employees (attrition) is seen as a negative outcome to be minimized. The subsequent pursuit of employee retention strategies usually aims to entice employees to remain within the organization for as long as possible. However, in the face of shifting workforce dynamics and evolving employment trends, such strategies may not fully harness the potential of the relationship between an employer and its workforce.</p> <p>Enter the concept of &lsquo;Perpetual Association&rsquo;, a new way to rethink our approach to these issues. By treating the relationship between employers and employees as a continuous, evolving connection, rather than a binary in-or-out status, companies can unlock a host of opportunities. In essence, perpetual association is about creating an active, engaged &lsquo;alumni&rsquo; network of sorts, where ex-employees remain connected, engaged, and mutually beneficial to their former employers.</p> <p>This innovative approach reframes &lsquo;ex-employees&rsquo; from being considered a loss, into a powerful, untapped resource. In this article, I will delve into the why, what, and how of perpetual association, offering insights on how companies can reconfigure their employee engagement strategies, redefine their approach to attrition, and re-imagine what employee retention could look like in the 21st-century workplace.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>