Tag: Penny

The Lucky Penny

I was sitting in my favorite coffee shop. The coffee was cold. The donut was stale. It wasn’t their best day. It wasn’t mine either. I was staring at my phone reading a text message from my boss saying that I was about to be let go. The company wasn’t doing well and they need...

A Penny for Your Thoughts

A penny for your thoughts and I will hold your world briefly within mine. In a constellation of shadows and an empty canvas, the sun tilted that day, and the peonies waved to the lilacs of summer, bringing a respite of serenity to the likes of me wading across shallow water paddling my arms ...

Still Think Saving Every Penny For 30 Years Will Make You A Millionaire? Read this

The problem is cutting expenses is limited. If you’re addicted to shopping and have 5 maxed-out credit cards, then there’s room for improvement. But if you already avoid going to restaurants, meeting with friends, and boarding planes to exotic locations, there isn’t much to wo...

Why isn’t the media praising Montgomery Alabama like they did Daniel Penny?.

Daniel Penny Murdered a Black Man in front an entire subway of people, and the media has hailed him as a hero. The facts are that Jordan Neely the Man that was murdered in cold blood showed no threat to anyone who was on that subway. It’s just another case of a white supremacist taking t...