The Lucky Penny

<p>I was sitting in my favorite coffee shop. The coffee was cold. The donut was stale. It wasn&rsquo;t their best day.</p> <p>It wasn&rsquo;t mine either.</p> <p>I was staring at my phone reading a text message from my boss saying that I was about to be let go. The company wasn&rsquo;t doing well and they needed to make cuts.</p> <p>I sat there like a dummy looking at the overpriced coffee and pastry I could no longer really afford.</p> <p>To make matters worse, my girlfriend messaged me saying the house she liked was finally on the market. She&rsquo;d been bugging for over a year now to buy a home. I didn&rsquo;t know how to tell her there was no way we&rsquo;d be buying it anytime soon. Heck, the wedding she was planning might need to be downsized too.</p> <p>I didn&rsquo;t even want to think about telling her that.</p> <p>I paid my tab and when I went to give the cashier the money, I realized I was a penny short. To make matters worse, I&rsquo;d left my card at the house.</p> <p>&ldquo;Don&rsquo;t worry about it,&rdquo; the cashier said, sensing the day I was having.</p> <p>I walked with slumped shoulders.</p> <p>There wasn&rsquo;t much for me to do, my boss told me I could come in after lunch where he&rsquo;d make it official.</p> <p>I sat on the bench outside the coffeeshop. The guy on the other end didn&rsquo;t look up from his phone.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
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