Tag: Peaks

You Can Play a video game based on Twin Peaks with this Free Demo

The 90s were a huge time for video games like Final Fantasy 7 and Silent Hill and TV shows like Power Rangers and The X-Files. And nowadays, some independent video game developers, or indie devs, are seeking to capture the visual charm of video games from that era,...

Twin Peaks — The Part That I Enjoyed Most in the Golden Gate City

You have probably noticed my almost obsession with city monikers if you read my other articles on U.S cities. My almost obsession with places’ nicknames started when my kids were younger and we would compete to see who could read the state monikers on car plates during o...

From Turquoise-blue Lakes to the Clear White of Snow-covered Mountain Peaks

It’s been an interesting week. Interesting as a lot of it didn’t go according to plan, but what in our lives really goes to plan? This sounds weird, but it is meant in a way we don’t plan much. And then there was the weather. If our life should be described by one thing it is...

Twin Peaks is Candy for White Liberals

There are two non-white characters in the first season of Twin Peaks — one is Hawk, an American Indian. He works for the police, and as a person of color watching the show, I was drawn to him. After all, what else do I have? Other than Audrey, who reminds me of an ex-girlfriend, I do...

A Step-by-Step Guide To Accurately Detect Peaks and Valleys.

Our human brain is excellent in peak detection in relation to its context. What seems an easy task by eye can be a challenging task to automate by machines. In general, peaks and valleys indicate (significant) events such as sudden increases or decreases in price/volume, or sharp rises in demand. On...

What is Ghost Peaks?

One of the brain-racking challenges in LC analysis is the presence of ghost peaks (see Fig.). Ghost peaks are of unknown origin in a chromatogram, are easily misidentified when they are close to peaks of interest, and can result in quantitative errors when they overlap peaks of interest. Uncertainty...