A Step-by-Step Guide To Accurately Detect Peaks and Valleys.

<p>Our human brain is excellent in peak detection in relation to its context. What seems an easy task by eye can be a challenging task to automate by machines. In general, peaks and valleys indicate (significant) events such as sudden increases or decreases in price/volume, or sharp rises in demand. One of the challenges is the definition of a peak/valley which can differ across applications and domains. Other challenges can be more technical, such as a noisy signal that can result in many false positives or a single threshold that may not accurately detect local events.&nbsp;<em>In this blog, I will describe how to accurately detect peaks and valleys in a 1-dimensional vector or a 2-dimensional array (image) without making assumptions about the peak shape. In addition, I will demonstrate how to handle noise in the signal.</em>&nbsp;Analyses are performed using the&nbsp;<strong><em>findpeaks library</em></strong>, and hands-on examples are provided for experimenting.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/a-step-by-step-guide-to-accurately-detect-peaks-and-valleys-9abc49a2eac3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Detect Peaks