Tag: Past

Why Do We Walk Past Those in Need of Our Help?

A story appeared in the art press recently about an incident in which police in London were called to a gallery to assist a woman who was seen sitting at a table slumped over with her head down on the surface. She hadn’t moved for two hours, a concerned passer-by told the police when they arri...

Kerry James Marshall PAST TIMES

A masterpiece of unparalleled formal rigor and graphic grandeur, Past Times is the definitive embodiment of Kerry James Marshall’s revolutionary painterly practice. Executed in 1997, the magnificent panorama of Past Times thunderously declares the arrival of Marshall’s mature artistic pr...

Sometimes, Past Trauma Can Really Mess with Our Heads

Life’s a wild ride, filled with ups and downs, right? Sometimes, though, it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. We’re talkin’ ‘bout those messed-up moments that stick with us — past trauma. It’s like a ghost that just won’t quit haunting’ us. In thi...

Athens between past and present

When I was moving out and selling as much as possible someone came to my apartment to buy my old mattress. On their way out they saw the two photographs I’d printed and mounted on the wall. They asked about buying them and I decided to give them the one of Saratoga beach. The brush of pas...

Exploring the Past, Present, and Future in Dublin

Dublin is a city where old meets new on every corner. The European offices of the world’s great technology companies border the same docklands along the River Liffey as buildings that have counted thousands more tides on these waters. Now, more than ever, Dublin is in a state of growth and ...

Examining the Grisly Past of the Tower of London

The Tower of London has stood vigil over the city for over a thousand years, an iconic symbol of London’s history. It has been the scene of both significant and little events, tragic and triumphant. The Tower has influenced the country’s history from the earliest Norman England to t...

Looking Through Past Memories

On 29th of June 2017, I self-authored my destiny when the Australian Department of Home Affairs asked me for an essay about why I wanted to study in Australia. As an 18 year old kid, I couldn’t have imagined that my 1500-word essay would start a series of events that will change the entire cou...

Blast from the past!

NOTE: Our regular readers — all five of them — have probably noticed we have been publishing “Blasts from the pasts!” almost daily now for several weeks. While we here at Silly Little Dictionary! don’t like to make excuses (except for Iva Reztok; he&rsquo...

The Big Thing I’ve Feared For the Past Year?

There were moments in the latter part of June where I felt positively hopeful. One blissful week, in particular, where I realized that most of the pain in my right knee was gone. That was a good week. I ventured out to run errands a few times without needing to use a cane. On a couple of occasion...

The role of Women in Society Past vs. Present

The role of women in society has undergone a remarkable transformation over the centuries. From traditional societal expectations that confined women to domestic roles, their status and opportunities have expanded significantly in modern times. This article explores the contrasting narratives of wom...

Ghosts of Christmases Past

I am an adult child of an alcoholic. When I was younger, I had no idea what that really meant. I spent much of my young adulthood marveling at how I was able to escape a traumatic childhood unscathed. It wasn’t until I was well into my 40s that I really started to understand how it all affecte...

The Ghosts of Oriente Past

Apungent stench of urine. The homeless piled high in the bunker of Oriente station. I was searching for a pastry. Some sustenance. I’ve smelled fumes like this before. Never in peace time. A subterranean concrete maze that left me dizzy. I was in no state to navigate this. My head was pound...

Huge Past Life Energy Release!

The release has been happening in the form of feeling angry, and also via dramatic hot flashes — literally the inflammation (flame/fire) energy of the anger and despair I had felt and gone through during those lifetimes. Not at all fun — but you know what? I’m thankful! ...

Mysticism — a Past and Present Overview

Mysticism reveals the secrets concealed within the pages of history and the beliefs that shaped civilizations. It connects us to the collective wisdom of the ages. The beliefs of the ancient mystics echo through the corridors of time. Mysticism isn’t a distant concept but a timeless fo...

We All Have Ghosts Of Relationships Past

When the wine gets flowing, my girlfriends and I gather and talk about our ex-boyfriends. We laugh, we compare, and we bemoan the choices of our past selves. Quite often a “What were you thinking?” can be heard between the clinks of glass, followed by laughter and groans. Beyond...

What was it like at the beginning of the Big Bang?

Looking out at our Universe today, we not only see a huge variety of stars and galaxies both nearby and far away, we also see a curious relationship: the farther away a distant galaxy is, the faster it appears to move away from us. This continues as far as we’ve ever looked, and remains true o...

My Brother Needs Ongoing Help for Past Trauma

I have just returned from a crisis situation that happened while on vacation in Thailand. What was supposed to be a 2.5-week focus on my physical/mental health turned into discovering my brother who lives there, was so far gone with alcohol. A 26er a day of vodka, disgusting living conditions and...

The Most Monumental Cultural Achievements of the Past Century

The moon landing — In 1969, NASA’s Apollo 11 mission successfully landed astronauts on the moon, a feat that had been deemed impossible just a few decades earlier. This achievement marked a major milestone in the history of space exploration and has had a significant impact on our unders...

Ghosts of Paintings Past: Pentimenti in Art History

Nowadays we can use all sorts of techniques to look down through layers of paint to discover what lies underneath a painting. As I showed when discussing the National Gallery of Art’s recent Vermeer exhibition, techniques like x-rays can reveal how artists changed compositions in their pa...

What’s the Past Tense of “Post”?

Usage in Sentences: The correct application of the past tense is pivotal for effective communication. Here are a few sentences integrating the past tense of “post”: “Last week, the writer posted a thoughtful article on his blog.” “The professor posted the gra...

ENGLISH:: Modal verbs, past and future

Revisión de como y en que momento podemos usar algunos de los modal verbs más conocidos y populares. Los modal verbs son verbos que te pueden auxiliar a que una oración tenga sentido o significado, también se pueden catalogar como non’action verbs, por si mismos ...