Blast from the past!
<p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Our regular readers — all five of them — have probably noticed we have been publishing “Blasts from the pasts!” almost daily now for several weeks. While we here at <em>Silly Little Dictionary!</em> don’t like to make excuses (except for Iva Reztok; he’s an expert at being <a href="" rel="noopener"><strong>eventive</strong></a>), publishing new articles day after day has been greatly hindered by a circumstance beyond out control. The circumstance being that we need 30 hours in a day. For the remainder of this year, we’ll likely continue to revisit past articles; starting next year, we may move to a more manageable weekly format.</p>
<p>Today’s Spelling Bee letters are <strong>A, E, G, I, N, Z, </strong>and center <strong>M</strong> (all words <em>must</em> include M).<strong> </strong>This <strong>pangram</strong>, or combination of seven letters, has appeared twice before:</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>