Tag: parenting

At times, it is parenting

The other day I was mentoring a young person (to me, that’s anyone under the age of 40) about sucking it up and taking it on the chin. You see, this person had made a mistake. A pretty big one. One that cost the company over $200,000. Yes, it was a billion dollar company, but, to me, who ha...

Navigating the Challenges of Disability Parenting

When my 4-year-old son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, I knew life would be different, but I didn’t fully grasp how challenging the world would be for him. As my husband and I immerse ourselves in the world of disability parenting, we find ourselves fighting against physical and social barr...

Parenting Autism

Airports, security checkpoints, and the overall travel experience can be overwhelming for individuals with exceptionalities such as autism. However, navigating these challenges becomes more manageable with the proper support and understanding. For example, the Disability Passenger Needs Assessment (...

6 Ways to Use Your Child’s Birth Chart in Parenting

Your child’s Mercury sign shows the way that they think and process information . It also shows their communication style allowing you to find ways to understand and converse in an efficient manner rather than having confusion. It shines a light into their mind’s inner wor...