Tag: Paradigm

The Coke Paradigm

I’ve been trying to figure out how to articulate a vision that I have for something at work in simple terms, and I finally found (what I think is) a fun way to describe it, in plain English. And I’m also childishly excited because I came up with a catchy name: The “Coke Paradigm.&r...

3 Signs of a Paradigm Shift in Consciousness

One morning, as I lay in bed with no motivation to rise with the sun, I felt a longing deep within for something more. I was craving a deeper spiritual connection that went beyond the boundaries of what I was living. I was bored with life and needed speed and some change in my life. With an open ...

3 Signs of a Paradigm Shift in Consciousness

One morning, as I lay in bed with no motivation to rise with the sun, I felt a longing deep within for something more. I was craving a deeper spiritual connection that went beyond the boundaries of what I was living. I was bored with life and needed speed and some change in my life. With an open ...

Rethinking Employee Experience: A Paradigm Shift

About a year and a half ago, my manager asked me to make sense of what was happening during the Great Resignation and how we could help. As I pored through books and articles attempting to educate myself on the issue, I got the sense these authors were like physicians at the bedside of modern work w...

The Power of Async: Introverts’ Haven in the New Work Paradigm

We invite people to a meeting so their intellect and perspective can be included in problem-solving and decision-making. In practice, many meetings fail to effectively engage key voices. This HBR article summarized: “Only 35% said they felt able to make a contribution all the time&he...

The fragile paradigm of western medicine

In our society, when we’re sick, our knee jerk reaction is to obtain an expert diagnosis of what it is we’ve contracted and to respond with a targeted prescription. We entrust our lives to this simple paradigm. What could possibly go wrong? While there are some benefits to this app...

IP-NFTs for Researchers: A New Biomedical Funding Paradigm

Most researchers would agree that funding (alongside publishing) is a defining aspect of their professional existence. Often, after a decade of training, biomedical researchers who seek a productive career in academia spend a substantial portion of their time trying to attract funding. To emphasise ...

Decentralized Accelerationism — Shifting The Current Paradigm

Decentralized accelerationism holds immense potential in invigorating innovation by nurturing a spectrum of diverse ideas and methodologies. The inherent distributed structure of networks facilitates experimentation and adaptation, fostering the emergence of fresh solutions to intricate challenges. ...

The Magic Behind the Screen: Embracing the WYSIWYM Paradigm in Document Creation

Hey there! Let’s dive into the world of document editing and talk about the cool concept of WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean). It’s like the backstage pass to your documents, where you focus on the content and meaning, and let the software worry about making it look pretty. So, ...