Tag: Pain

The Pain of Exclusion and Being Left Out Once Again

It was the first football game of the season. They finish their halftime dance on the field and I see them all disperse. There go her 5 friends and she is left standing alone. They all take pictures and she isn’t invited, once again. It’s the same tired story. I have come to the co...

Put yourself in the way of pain.

This statement has been understood since the beginning of human life on earth. The early men had to go through struggle to get everything they needed—not even what they wanted. For them to be safe, to get food, to find mate, they had to be tough against harsh conditions of nature. If not, t...

Wisdom Answers Pain

i sit with you, dear one in your pain and self-loathing and death thinking know—there is yet life for you even in this pain even in this world one flower one wisp of wind one drop of winter rain open (whispers life) stand still no need to move forward or move backwards ...

If I Had To Pick Just One Exercise for Back Pain Relief…

“If you had to pick just one exercise for back pain relief, what would it be?” This is a question I got asked a few days ago by a client. While I don’t often like to answer questions that try to oversimplify exercise or physical therapy, this one got me thinking. What wo...

My Emotional Pain and Shame of Sexual Abuse

It took courage to open up and share a small part of my story — So I wish to thank you for taking the time to read and in doing so, taking part of this load from me. I also wish to thank a friend I have made on Medium,  Shanti C K , for her own painful vulnerability in opening up wh...

The Pain of Exclusion and Being Left Out Once Again

It was the first football game of the season. They finish their halftime dance on the field and I see them all disperse. There go her 5 friends and she is left standing alone. They all take pictures and she isn’t invited, once again. It’s the same tired story. I have come to the co...

Top 3 Reasons Obesity is the Cause of Chronic Abdominal Pain

Being too heavy and having stomach pain that lasts a long time are both common problems for people today. Obesity means having too much fat on your body which is not good for your health, while chronic abdominal pain is when your belly hurts a lot and keeps coming back. When someone is too...

Finding stillness: Crafting a Life Unaffected by Pain and Pleasure

Imagine we are in a boat. When we are in pain, we begin rowing with the oar of pleasure and the boat starts to move. Time passes, and we move forward, thinking that we have left the pain behind. However, when faced with issues, stressful relations or injuries. We seek solace in pleasure. Once fou...

How Tai Chi Eased My Chronic Pain

Iwas already taking anti-inflammatories. I was working with a physical therapist. I stretched and exercised regularly. What else could I do to relieve my chronic low back pain? My doctor trotted out the usual suggestions — increase your meds, get an injection, undergo surgery. But then h...

The metaphysical meaning of menstrual pain

In our day and age it is common to hear about women complaining about dysmenorrhea, fertility problems, endometriosis, PCOS, and PMS. It’s some sort of cosmic joke that women are gonna bitch about, this, are gonna be moody about this and are going to demand dark chocolate. I am one who will...

An exploration of pAIn: the role of AI in pain treatment and management

With the widely proliferating trends towards datafication and digitalised medicine, AI has come to be widely integrated into the medical system in general, and pain research and treatment in particular. Machine Learning is one of those methods employed in this arena. It can be defined as a set of me...

How I Eliminated my Chronic Pain through a Mind-Body Approach

This is the story of my several year journey with chronic pain in my hands and wrists that originally developed as repetitive strain injuries, or RSI, from guitar and computer use. After trying pretty much everything to find a cure, I gave up for a while and then last year experienced a dramatic and...

The therapeutic pain consultation

The shaman is a mediator between the world of the living and the dead, he communicates and transmits the information that is requested from another plane by those who live in physical reality, who suffer from something physical or from their daily lives. It does so through communion with the element...

Why Women’s Pain Is Gaslighted

Last year, a Journal of the American Heart Association article highlighted how women aged 18 to 55 with chest pain in ERs waited 29% longer than men to be evaluated for potential life-threatening heart attacks. This despite the documented mortality risk of heart disease for wo...

Why Alcoholism is Actually About Pain Relief

I quit drinking alcohol a few months before my father died of alcoholic liver disease seven and a half years ago. In the few years before his death, I had watched him become more disabled from physical and emotional pain. I also suffered in similar ways as my father. It’s no secret that many e...

Chronic Pain and the Kratom Controversy

The herbal substance kratom, derived from the leaves of a Southeast Asian tree, is used by nearly 2 million people in the United States annually. It can be easily purchased at gas stations and convenience stores, smoke shops and online, and is marketed as an “herbal supplem...

Pain Hustlers (2023) • Netflix — mildly pleasurable but non-addictive

Netflix’s latest addition to the growing body of screen drama about the opioid crisis, Pain Hustlers, comes with promising credentials. Director David Yates helmed the highly regarded BBC political series State of Play (2003), though most of his film work has been in the Ha...

No Pain Management Allowed

The radiologist report was of a mildly comminuted spiral fracture of the fibula (the non-weight bearing bone of the lower leg) and a simple fracture of the malleolus of the tibia at the syndesmosis. Basically, both bones of my lower leg were broken at the level of the ankle. I was provided a short &...

Kill The Pain And Everything Else

I was eight years old the first time I swallowed a Percoset. I lost count of how many times I was handed them… or Oxy… or Vicodin… before I even reached ten. They made me itchy but there was something about that itch. I liked it. A prepubescent pillhead. That’s a more a...

Interventional Alternatives to Opioids in Pain Management

WHY DO WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT ALTERNATIVES FOR PAIN THERAPY? Obviously, there is an opioid crisis in the country, and I would say really in the last 10 years, opioids have been overused for chronic pain. We need alternatives, and there are, in fact, many alternatives. In my practice, I seldom have...

Buprenorphine for Pain Management

Buprenorphine is FDA approved for the treatment of acute and chronic pain as well as for the treatment of opioid use disorder. Buprenorphine is a semi-synthetic opioid. Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist at the mu-opioid receptor. The mu-opioid receptor is directly involved in pain c...

Ending an Epidemic: Chronic Pain and Cannabis, A Personal Story

Like most men, my husband didn’t consider the consequences of his hell-raising youth. He took risks and put his body in jeopardy. A typical midwestern boy in the ’80s and ’90s, he rode dirt bikes, he hunted, he fished, and he partied. Then, as an adult, he spent much of his t...

Pain Awareness == Suicide Prevention

Judging from all the articles I’ve found discussing the link between pain and suicide, the juxtaposition of these two awareness campaigns is a fortuitous coincidence, a chance to raise awareness of the potentially deadly consequences of poor pain control. Perhaps it can start some necessary...

Facing the Pain of the Holidays in Middle Age

Ilove this time of year perhaps more than any other. And I also hate it more than I can describe. What an odd and uncomfortable combination of feelings this time span brings to my heart. Often the things we love about this season are the very things that bring us stress and feelings of dread. And...