Tag: Page

Revival from Vacation to Duplicate: WOBFU Page 15

I’m back! Well kind of — depending on when you saw my last blog you may not have even noticed I was gone. It’s all good though, no worries here. For my return we’ve got a lovely 16/14 split, a nice even amount that feels even and honest. What isn’t even is ...

“The Emissary” Leaves The Page Behind

After seeing Opera Parallele’s production of The Emissary, I took it upon myself to read the source material, Yoko Tawada’s book of the same name. The contrast between the opera I attended and the source material I was reading snapped to like an ice cube in hot tea, even a week late...

Designing Mara Beauty’s landing page

As an aspiring entrepreneur and makeup artist, it has been a goal of mine to establish my own cosmetics line — one that mirrors the transformative impact makeup has had on me, evoking feelings of beauty, empowerment, and visibility. In pursuit of this goal, I created Mara Beauty, a brand ...