Revival from Vacation to Duplicate: WOBFU Page 15

<p>I&rsquo;m back! Well kind of &mdash; depending on when you saw my last blog you may not have even noticed I was gone. It&rsquo;s all good though, no worries here.</p> <p>For my return we&rsquo;ve got a lovely 16/14 split, a nice even amount that feels even and honest. What&nbsp;<em>isn&rsquo;t</em>&nbsp;even is that the amount of duplicates is back on its nonsense. 12 entries are duplicates from the Racial Justice bundle, and 10 of them are games. While handy for me since I had limited time to get this overview out, I must say that only having 6 entries to dissect is not as interesting.</p> <p>Don&rsquo;t worry though, because there are quite a few games that I&rsquo;ve labelled&nbsp;<em>very</em>&nbsp;interesting. So let&rsquo;s go look at them!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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