“The Emissary” Leaves The Page Behind

<p>After seeing Opera Parallele&rsquo;s production of&nbsp;<em>The Emissary</em>, I took it upon myself to read the source material, Yoko Tawada&rsquo;s book of the same name. The contrast between the opera I attended and the source material I was reading snapped to like an ice cube in hot tea, even a week later.</p> <p>This opera&rsquo;s production was lovely, with a cast comprised mostly of the Student Chorus of Lick Wilmerding High School. The two main characters were played by more experienced vocalists but the student chorus held their own. Of particular note was Cayden Sewell&rsquo;s rendition of the knifemaker. The 7-piece accompanying orchestra provided an almost cinematic score that flowed along with the cadences of the vocalists, and emphasized their movements across the stage.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/odc-dance-stories/the-emissary-leaves-the-page-behind-7b7c8ce29ab6"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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