Tag: ourselves

Why do we care what others think above what we think ourselves?

How much time do you spend worrying about what other people think about what you are doing in your own life? The truth is, once you care about what others think of you, you have no life of your own. We can surround ourselves with an abundance of material goods. We can attain the contemporary social-...

When We See Ourselves in Others, We Stop Hating

I watch the octave of legs run fearlessly toward me, and my gut reaction is to flinch. Something deep within, some primitive part of me, imagines the spider is dangerous. Reason, however, insists that since I’m in England, where most of these creatures are safe to be around, I’ve nothing...

Why Lie to Ourselves?

If there were anyone you could be honest with, you’d think it would be you. But how open are you with yourself? Do you always tell yourself the truth, or do you sometimes skirt it? What you say and do in life molds you into who you are, including lying and being honest. Which would you rath...

Is a Selfie a True Image of Ourselves

Nobel laureate Bob Dylan must have exercised his creative license when he wrote “Mona Lisa musta had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles,” because Dutch researchers from the University of Amsterdam found the smile to be 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, 2% angry, and...

Why Half Of Us Are Fighting the Other Half Even Though We All Want the Same Thing

We all want the same thing: A good life for ourselves and our families. We just can’t agree on how to get it, so we’re about ready to burn this whole thing down. This explains why so many people support Donald Trump, and why a surprisingly fair number of his supporters also like Berni...

We Can’t Screw Ourselves Out of Racism

incase you’ve been living under a six-ton boulder for the last five years, featuring mixed-race couples is the hot new thing in advertising. It’s edgy! It’s progressive! It’s absolutely adorable! Best of all, it is accessible to anyone who’s willing to test out their ne...

Are We Defining Ourselves As Sick?

This might twist people the wrong way. I’m going to drop some truth bombs up in here about how medicalizing every damn aspect of human existence might actually be making us less healthy. Yes, there are some legitimate ailments that are newly discovered because our science has just c...

Homo Sapiens : Why don’t we consider ourselves animals?

Throughout the world, many people don’t choose to believe that they are animals. In fact, we tend to think of ourselves as humans or humankind, other creatures such as tigers and dolphins as animals, and squash or lettuce as vegetables or plants. In this arti...