Why Half Of Us Are Fighting the Other Half Even Though We All Want the Same Thing

<p>We all want the same thing: A good life for ourselves and our families. We just can&rsquo;t agree on how to get it, so we&rsquo;re about ready to burn this whole thing down.</p> <p>This explains why so many people support Donald Trump, and why a surprisingly fair number of his supporters also like Bernie Sanders.</p> <p>Trump and Sanders could not be more different, and initially, I could not understand how any rational person could support both men. But stop thinking about their policies, and it makes sense: Both of them are disruptors who would like to radically change the U.S.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/rome-magazine/why-half-of-us-are-fighting-the-other-half-even-though-we-all-want-the-same-thing-c71b70c2f7f5"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: ourselves