Tag: OS

Deep Dive Into Deep Link. Part 3. OS shell, application

We continue writing our cycle. Parts one and two are available on our Medium. If you haven’t read this far, go ahead. This knowledge will help you deal with it with confidence. For those who are already know the cycle, let us remind you of the theses of the previous ar...

Are Android OS Updates Still King?

In the ever-evolving landscape of Android, we explore whether the traditional importance of Android OS updates remains a top priority for users and developers. Why did android worried about the security update back then and is it worrying even now? Android and iOS OTA (Over The Air) U...

Deep Dive Into Android OS Fundamentals

When we look at the basics of Android Apps, we see four basic components. Activities, Services, Broadcast receivers and Content providers. Before moving on to components and Android OS, let’s look at what an android user does. On our Android phone we are gr...

Python OS Library Fundamentals

You can use the OS module to interact with your computer’s operating system in a number of ways. Command-line prompts are available for you to use. You will see various uses for the OS library in Python in this article. If you are familiar with command-line prompts, I will provide the equiv...

The Visual Summary — WWDC23 Part II: OS updates

In this second post of my Visual WWDC23 summary, we’ll go over all the OS updates Apple presented: iOS, watchOS, iPadOS, macOS, and tvOS. If you like this overview, make sure to check out the other parts of The Visual Summary: Part I: Unveiling Apple Vision Pro Part III: Mac Updates...

The Ultimate Mac OS DockStation.

It's been a while since I've made the switch from Windows to MacOS. I did that when I bought a M1 Max — MacBook Pro 16". Coming from Windows and accustomed to a three monitor setup I had to choose the M1 Max chip, since it's the only chip that supports 3 external mon...

MISP Installation for Mac OS (M1) — Quick & Easy Guide (2023)

Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) is an open-source platform that allows cybersecurity professionals and organizations to collect, share, and analyze threat intelligence information. Some of the benefits of using MISP are: · Event Management: MISP allows users to cre...

What would a next-gen OS interface look like?

First, let's look at some really weird bits of those modern interfaces that are relics of the past and make very little sense now. Probably, if we would build such an important interface from scratch, then we would not include them in the current form. Launcher — In Mac and Linux, ...

1° Any sufficient advanced OS is indistinguishable from magic

Basic Definition: Software that takes control of the machine at start up and controls all the resources and the executions of programs. Imagine that every time you wanted to run an app on your phone, you had to communicate directly with the phone’s hardware, asking for permission to access ...

Python OS Library Fundamentals

You can use the OS module to interact with your computer’s operating system in a number of ways. Command-line prompts are available for you to use. You will see various uses for the OS library in Python in this article. If you are familiar with command-line prompts, I will provide the equiv...