Python OS Library Fundamentals

<p>You can use the OS module to interact with your computer&rsquo;s operating system in a number of ways. Command-line prompts are available for you to use.</p> <p>You will see various uses for the OS library in Python in this article. If you are familiar with command-line prompts, I will provide the equivalent.</p> <h1>Working with Files and Directories</h1> <h2>How do I get the current working directory?</h2> <p><strong>Use the</strong><code><strong>os.getcwd()</strong></code><strong>&nbsp;function to get the current working directory.</strong></p> <p>Equivalent with the&nbsp;<strong>pwd&nbsp;</strong>command for Unix-like operating systems and&nbsp;<strong>cd&nbsp;</strong>for Windows operating systems</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Python OS