1° Any sufficient advanced OS is indistinguishable from magic

<h2><em>Basic Definition: Software that takes control of the machine at start up and controls all the resources and the executions of programs.</em></h2> <p>Imagine that every time you wanted to run an app on your phone, you had to communicate directly with the phone&rsquo;s hardware, asking for permission to access its memory or CPU. Sounds tedious, right?</p> <p>Here comes the OS &mdash; the unsung hero that does all this grunt work for you.</p> <p>Indeed, it&rsquo;s a software mediator between the user and the device&rsquo;s hardware, making your computing experience seamless.</p> <h1>OS&rsquo;s Two-faced Approach: Programs &amp; Users</h1> <p>The OS offers two&nbsp;<strong>key perspectives:</strong></p> <ol> <li>As an&nbsp;<strong>environment for programs execution</strong>: it serves as the playground where your programs run.</li> <li>As a&nbsp;<strong>user-interface realm</strong>: it&rsquo;s where you, the user, interact with your device.</li> </ol> <p>Now, let&rsquo;s unwrap this further with real-life parallels:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@jalal92/1-any-sufficient-advanced-os-is-indistinguishable-from-magic-3d994371755f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>