Tag: optimization

Resource optimization in Node.js

In this article, we explore the possibilities of maximizing Node.js’s capabilities and understand the benefits of resource sharing, disproving the assumption that every request must be isolated. Join us as we uncover the full potential of Node.js and discover how resource optimization can enha...

Hyperparameter Optimization With Hyperopt — Intro & Implementation

Hyperopt is an open-source hyperparameter optimization tool that I personally use to improve my machine learning projects and have found it to be quite easy to implement. Hyperparameter optimization, is the process of identifying the best combination of hyperparameters for a machine learni...

Resource optimization in Node.js

We all know Node.js is fast, single-threaded and non-blocking, but are we taking the most out of it? In the majority of cases the answer is simply, “No.” Because its single-threaded, we tend to forget that we still have several lines of execution that resemble… threads! So we c...

Andrew Huberman’s Complete 5-Step Human Optimization Protocol

If you’ve been anywhere near the self-improvement world lately, you’ve likely heard of Andrew Huberman. The uber-popular productivity scientist and Stanford professor turned podcast mogul has taken the internet by storm, with his ongoing research into human optimization. The kicker...

Resource optimization in Node.js

In this article, we explore the possibilities of maximizing Node.js’s capabilities and understand the benefits of resource sharing, disproving the assumption that every request must be isolated. Join us as we uncover the full potential of Node.js and discover how resource optimization can enha...

Hyperparameter Optimization With Hyperopt — Intro & Implementation

  Hyperopt is an open-source hyperparameter optimization tool that I personally use to improve my machine learning projects and have found it to be quite easy to implement. Hyperparameter optimization, is the process of identifying the best combination of hyperparameters for a mach...

7 JavaScript Powerful Optimization Tricks You Need To Know

Every language has uniqueness, and JavaScript, the most widely used programming language, is no different. This blog post will discuss some JavaScript Generic Optimization tricks that will help you write better code and make sure that the following is just not your response when you come all over...

Don’t Use ChatGPT to Write Articles. Use It For These 5 Things Instead.

Anyone who’s tried “write an article about [topic]” as a prompt to ChatGPT will tell you the truth: ChatGPT can’t write well at all. That’s not a secret. If you doubt me, ask it or any AI writing tool, to write a blog post. It will crank out very bad content that no rea...

Python Optimization Guide: Make Your Code Run 5X Faster

In the world of programming languages, Python stands tall as one of the most versatile languages that offer simplicity and readability. Python has become popular among developers due to its easy-to-read syntax, object-oriented nature, community support and large pool of libraries. It can be used in ...

Every Token Counts: The Art of (Dynamic) OpenAI API Cost Optimization

Have you started developing with OpenAI and found yourself wondering about the costs? If so, you’re in good company. In this guide, we’ll explore: Estimating Token Usage: How to determine token usage before making an API call. Predicting Costs: How to forecast the costs based on ...

Digital spaces. Space optimization.

Computer, phone, browser, mail, messenger and other services are also your work or personal portable places in the digital environment. You can turn these tools into time wasters, or you can make them assistants and optimizers. My gadgets have experienced all the knowledge of time management with me...

The Triangle of Success: the three headed dragon of optimization

A proven concept is the ‘Triangle of Success’, representing the three success ingredients: Knowledge, Skills and Attitude. We are familiar with words like competency, capability, capacity, potential, proficiency, which are frequently used by us as a substitute for the word &lsquo...

A strengths-based approach for maximum optimization

Simmons et al., (2013) defined a strengths-based approach as one that “focuses on using an individual’s strengths to improve their overall functioning, rather than solely addressing weaknesses” (*Note: this doesn’t mean completely ignoring weaknesses). Stren...

Deep Dive performance optimization techniques in Azure data bricks.

Microsoft Azure data bricks is one of the trendy topics for dealing with large amounts of data & streaming use cases. Based on the growth of data, it is important to maintain data quality & data redundancy. This article will help with internal of housekeeping jobs, duplicates removable &...

Enhancing Android App Performance: Strategies for Speed and Optimization

In the competitive landscape of Android app development, optimizing app performance is a crucial factor for delivering a seamless user experience and gaining a competitive edge. By employing effective strategies, developers can significantly enhance the speed and efficiency of their Android applicat...

My First-Ever £150 Optimization Problem

Last Tuesday officially marked the end of my MSc study (Operational Research with Data Science) at the University of Edinburgh (UoE). It was indeed a special year — imagine spending the entire year learning online in a tiny studio with minimal social gatherings. Heck, the pandemic made my eyes...

Letter #4: Life as a multivariate optimization problem

great to hear from you again. I just got sick yesterday so I’ll take a day off which gives me plenty of time to answer your letter ;) I am still a bit injured on my knee which means I can’t run as much as I liked to. Running is like therapy for me that’s why this injury also aff...

Airbnb Optimization For 2024: Everything You Need to Do to Be Successful

If you’re looking to optimize your Airbnb listing for success in 2024, you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide you with everything you need to know, from crafting compelling titles and descriptions to leveraging advanced technology and mastering the art of guest reviews...

Reimagining Route Optimization: AI and Machine Learning in Truck Routing

Route optimization is essential to address a myriad of challenges. It’s about finding the delicate balance between minimizing transportation costs and maximizing service quality. The variables involved in route planning are numerous, from fluctuating fuel prices and unpredictable traffic patte...

Procurement Process Optimization with Python

Procurement management is a strategic approach to acquiring goods or services from preferred vendors within your determined budget, either on or before a specific deadline. Analytics with Python can help you balance supply and demand to ensure a minimum lev...

Could Not Converge Geometry Optimization

In the code, I am finding convergence with mp2 that includes the electron correlation. This might be difficult to converge if there is a lot of interactions and dispersion effects where you might have to fall back to a lower level of theory hartree-fock . The same argument can be...

Bayesian Optimization: A step by step approach

Optimizing a function is super important in many of the real life analytics use cases. By optimization we mean, either find an maximum or minimum of the target function with a certain set of parameter combination. Finding out that min or max value as well as the parameters should be the objective. I...

What is Combinatorial Optimization?

What is Combinatorial Optimization? Imagine you are a Data Scientist working for an airline and are told to find the optimal flight schedule for the week to maximize the number of flights subject to constraints such as fuel and airspace. How would you do this? Well, you could try every poss...