My First-Ever £150 Optimization Problem

<p>Last Tuesday officially marked the end of my MSc study (<em>Operational Research with Data Science</em>) at the University of Edinburgh (UoE). It was indeed a special year &mdash; imagine spending the entire year learning online in a tiny studio with minimal social gatherings. Heck, the pandemic made my eyesight worse. This is also another reason I would prefer&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">printed copies of notes and books over their digital counterparts</a>&nbsp;(and yes, recycle some of them later).</p> <h1>A &pound;150 Problem&hellip; for Starters.</h1> <p>So something bugged me when I was leisurely spending my final week in the beautiful city of Edinburgh. Look, I have approximately &pound;150 for printing from the university&rsquo;s School of Math (I am grateful for their generosity). That&rsquo;s a considerable amount of funds for a student!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>