Andrew Huberman’s Complete 5-Step Human Optimization Protocol

<p>If you&rsquo;ve been anywhere near the self-improvement world lately, you&rsquo;ve likely heard of Andrew Huberman.</p> <p>The uber-popular productivity scientist and Stanford professor turned podcast mogul has taken the internet by storm, with his ongoing research into human optimization.</p> <p>The kicker is, even his condensed works are often too much to absorb in one sitting. So, being a long-time listener of Andrew, I felt compelled to condense his work even further.</p> <h1>Why does the internet love Andrew?</h1> <p>I remember the days of pre-social media, where the title of&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;doctor&rdquo;&nbsp;</em>was akin to a religious leader.</p> <p>PhD-brandishing healthcare professionals would frequent morning television shows to share their latest health and wellness discoveries with the world &mdash;&nbsp;<em>often with a book tour to go along with them.</em></p> <p>The real, hard-hitting information was either withheld from the general public or made too complicated to understand.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>