Tag: Open

10 things to know before starting to work with Open source LLM — part 1

AI hype is officially up. The release of ChatGPT3 from OpenAI moved the focus on the capabilities of Generative Language Models, and in general to the Artificial Intelligence community. There are a lot communities and platform that hosts Large Language Models (from now on LLM), some are free, man...

How I made an Open-Source AI Hedge Fund

In this post I explain how I created an artificial intelligence that makes automated trades for me daily. With modern advancements in machine learning and easy access to data online, it’s never been easier to get involved in quantitative trading. To make things even better, cloud tools like...

FinGPT: open-source LLM for finance

The transformer has changed artificial intelligence, and today the number of LLMs has increased almost exponentially in the past two years, making it almost difficult to keep up. While LLMs are profitably used for various applications, why not apply them to finance as well? Speak about money...

Top 10 Best Open Source Projects on GitHub 2023

Open Source Software (OSS) has revolutionized the way software development is done today. With millions of Open Source GitHub projects available, it can be overwhelming to navigate and find the best open-source projects that match your needs. This article lists the top 10 fastest growin...

My Response to Open Source “Creative” Generative AI

I have a grayish dual position regarding generative art and, well, basically, generative creativity. One view is extremely cynical, and the other perspective is hopeful. I wrote earlier about this topic here (note: a bit gloomy). Let me start with the cynical view, hyperbolized for ease...

The Heart’s Open Road: Aligning Mind and Spirit

Wandering is a theme found in stories and movies. It’s usually how the desire of a character to find their truth, their sense of self, is portrayed. I watched a movie last night about a young woman who had a career writing about traveling. She had left her Amish community a decade earlier. ...

1 Year MAKING an OPEN-WORLD game

it appears that the developer has been working on a game project called “Mana Valley” for one year as a solo indie developer. Over this time, they have achieved several significant milestones: 1. Accumulated nearly 1 million views on their devlogs, indicating a high level of interest ...

1 Year MAKING an OPEN-WORLD game

it appears that the developer has been working on a game project called “Mana Valley” for one year as a solo indie developer. Over this time, they have achieved several significant milestones: 1. Accumulated nearly 1 million views on their devlogs, indicating a high level of interest ...

The metaverse, from a closed to an open world in 2023?

Did you know ? The metaverse was first named in 1992, in the sci-fi novel Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson where he described a dystopian future world. Dystopia became reality and it is not that bad! We even now have two types of metaverse. “An open metaverse is a virtual world that ...

Using Docker in open-source projects

What is Docker? Docker is a containerization platform that gathers all packages and their dependencies in the form of containers to make sure that your application works seamlessly in any environment that can be developed, tested, or in production. It is a versatile platform that simplifies appli...

Is Terraform no longer Open Source?

For many developers, licenses have become something they barely even think about. Few if any of the most popular libraries use anything but open and permissive licenses like MIT and even GNU. Gone are also the days when large corporate entities like Microsoft shunned open source. It has never seemed...

Why Are There So Many Competing Open Source Projects?

It has happened to all of us: you go looking for a software package to solve a problem and you find a great open source project. And then another. And another. Why does this happen? There’s More than One Way to Pet a Cat Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash Sometimes mu...

Case study: Open Justice in Buenos Aires

It is estimated by the Task Force for Justice that 5.1 billion people fall into ‘The Justice Gap’, those who cannot access justice, of whom the majority are women and children, disabled people, poor people, and people from ethnic minorities. Also revealed was the grave truth that global ...

Open response to ‘The Best Jewish Food in Dublin’ by The Nosher

Judaism and Jewish food piqued my interest a few years ago, and I went on to do an MPhil in Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies just so I could write about it to my heart’s content. My thesis used the culinary practices of the Indian-Jewish community as a case study, but I used m...

The ’96 LAPD raid of the Project Blowed hip hop open mic

In early January 1996, LAPD raided the Project Blowed open mic in South Central. (Born out of the Good Life Cafe, the Project Blowed open mic was hosted at film professor Ben Caldwell’s KAOS Network venue. The Blowed crew includes underground hip hop luminaries like Freestyle Fellowshi...

10,000 Ways the Australian Open Could Play Out

There are 256 players — 128 men and 128 women — competing in the Australian Open, in what is expected to be a more ‘open’ playing field than previous years. With a bumper crop of new contenders entering the mix, the increased skill and athleticism of tennis is making it harde...

The 6 Best Rooftops Open to the Public in San Francisco

POTUS? PoMo? No it’s POPOS: Privately Owned Public Open Spaces. Throughout SoMa and the Financial District, these little parks, atriums, alleyways and rooftop gardens are nestled in private buildings and totally open to the public — for free. Many of these spots were made as a result ...

Introducing the Free ODSC West Open Pass

At the AI Expo and Demo Hall you’ll have the opportunity to connect one-on-one with representatives from industry-leading organizations in MLOps, Machine Learning, NLP, Time Series Data, and much more. Confirmed partners include Microsoft Azure, Tangent Works, MIT, Qwak, ArangoDB, iquazio, Hew...

Open Captions vs Closed Captions: ‘Wait, What’s the Difference?

IMAGINE you’re at a live theater play, enveloped in the ambiance of soft lighting and the collective anticipation of the audience. In front of you, someone rustles a bag of popcorn, the sound punctuating the air, occasionally drowning out the actors’ voices. Thankfully, open caption...

My Trans Non-Binary Journal: First Sexual Encounter In My Open Relationship

The experience itself was a whirlwind of emotions. There was the initial awkwardness, a natural response to stepping into uncharted territory. But as we found our rhythm, there was a sense of liberation, a breaking free from the invisible shackles of conventional expectations. Afterward...

Open Racism Underpins Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson’s Bid For Reelection

The systemic oppression of Indigenous people at the hands of Canada’s institutional racism and colonialism is well documented, and not disputed by any rational person: the Indian Act, the reservation system, unsafe drinking water, disenfranchisement, broken treaties, police violence, over...

Open Letter to the Supreme Court

There is a plethora of prima facia evidence, including the House J6 Investigation, that Trump incited and ordered the planning of the insurrection. If guilty, therefore, the 14th, section 3 applies. The Supreme Court is the logical Constitutional branch to find a (former) Pres...

Things To Do In Open Space Without a Suit

Somehow, you find yourself in an open space wearing nothing but a grey hoodie and your cozy, comfy sweatpants. Bummer. Who would’ve thought those spaceship toilet manuals were important after all? You have your phone with you, but as the song goes, who you gonna call? No one. Don’t gi...