The metaverse, from a closed to an open world in 2023?

<p>Did you know ? The metaverse was first named in 1992, in the sci-fi novel&nbsp;<em>Snow Crash&nbsp;</em>by Neal Stephenson where he described a dystopian future world. Dystopia became reality and it is not that bad! We even now have two types of metaverse.</p> <p>&ldquo;An open metaverse is a virtual world that anyone can access and build upon, while a closed metaverse is a virtual world that is only accessible to those who have been given permission&rdquo;, as Beatrice Mastropietro, a cryptocurrency journalist states in her &ldquo;Open vs Closed Metaverse&rdquo; guide (1).</p> <p>When I interviewed Sebastien Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox and President of the Blockchain Game Alliance, last July 10, I discovered the worlds of the metaverse and I decided to take a deep dive into understanding their drivers (2).</p> <p>In this article, I will first come back to the origins of the metaverse before describing the pros and cons of both worlds.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Open world