Tag: Ode

An Ode to My Thick Thighs

Three dates in, the man who would become my husband told me that he loved my “thick thighs.” I was 24 years old at the time and luckily, by that point, finally secure with my robust femoral region. I thanked him, but I also warned him that should he find himself dating other women in ...

An Ode to the Amaltas

Golden Shower. That’s what they said about Dilli in June. When the heat becomes unbearable, pushing people inside their abode for respite, Dilli blooms yellow. This beauty cannot be explained to those who haven’t been witnesses before. Neither can it be described to the inhabitants of...

An Ode to a Restaurateur — Georgios Vogiatzis Brings Love to the Table

In a time of worldwide madness, there is a common thing amongst all men, women and children that unites us. That is food. Bringing the people to the table is one man who is making peace and love happen through his own passion for dishes. Miami restaurateur and president of Georgios Hospitality, G...

ode to casita

happy one year to me in my bedford casita  the peace and inner bliss i feel here is something i never felt in LA or miami. its like a whole new type of love and connection to my surroundings. i dont think ive ever felt this feeling of really thinking wow, here is where i belong. one year lat...

APEC 2023: San Francisco’s Ode to Excellence

In the rhythmic embrace of the Pacific’s caress, I present a poetic homage to San Francisco, a city set to host the APEC conference in 2023. This verse unfolds as an overture, a melodic celebration dedicated not only to San Francisco but as a true representative of the dynamic spirit of Califo...

Ode to the Territory

The love of big and mighty, Of progress and pursuit. Of perfect pretty people, With dress and tie and suit. The buzz of trendy culture Where new ideas are born, This was the place I came from - But now my heart is torn I love a sunburnt country, A land awash with life, Of dazzling daily ...

Ode to the West

I am a woman of color, Although my skin is white as yours, I make my own decisions And I’m sick of your terror wars, I am a woman, who gets stared at daily, All eyes are always on me, I can’t seem to walk freely In your country of Liberty! Read More  

An Ode To Blue

I designed a blue flower dress with Midjourney AI — perhaps Artificial Intelligence is the future of fashion. I kind of hope it is. I can’t sew and I can’t draw, yet I desperately want to be a designer. I’ve been creating digital art for years and am inexplicably drawn to ...