An Ode to the Amaltas

<p>Golden Shower. That&rsquo;s what they said about Dilli in June. When the heat becomes unbearable, pushing people inside their abode for respite, Dilli blooms yellow.</p> <p>This beauty cannot be explained to those who haven&rsquo;t been witnesses before. Neither can it be described to the inhabitants of those parts of Dilli who haven&rsquo;t been in the areas afforded the luxury of trees. But since I am leaving my home in less than 20 days, I will attempt to do so as an ode to them.</p> <p>It is because of my love for these flowers, dear Amaltas, that I keep coming back to Dilli, irrespective of my almost-edgy dislike for the city.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Amaltas Ode