Ode to the Territory

<p>The love of big and mighty,<br /> Of progress and pursuit.<br /> Of perfect pretty people,<br /> With dress and tie and suit.<br /> The buzz of trendy culture<br /> Where new ideas are born,<br /> This was the place I came from -<br /> But now my heart is torn</p> <p>I love a sunburnt country,<br /> A land awash with life,<br /> Of dazzling daily sunsets,<br /> Of starry skies above.<br /> I love her broad horizons,<br /> Far as the eye can see,<br /> Adventure and connection,<br /> #TerritoryLifeForMe.</p> <p><a href="https://poetry-in-form.com/ode-to-the-territory-9d787a0fec37"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ode Territory