Tag: Objects

From Sketch TO Brilliance: Lesson 6 Reflective Objects!

Welcome to Module 6, where we dive deep into the art of capturing the elusive beauty of reflective objects. Today’s challenge: two luscious apples await us, poised on the canvas. Ah, but don’t be deceived! Drawing apples, as many a seasoned artist knows, is a nuanced ...

DALL·E 3 internal measured results are amazing! Karpathy generates a realistic and smart “Miss America”, including 50 objects in one picture

OpenAI’s drawing artifact DALL·E 3 has started internal testing. After testing it, netizens were impressed by how powerful it is. Will Vincent Tu bid farewell to the “prompt word era” from now on? Midjourney has been sweeping the design world with stunning results, ca...

7 Post 3D Printing Activities to Perfect Your 3D Objects

3D printing is an amazing process that turns digital designs into cool props or useful items. After the printer does its magic, there’s more to do to make your prints look and work even better. In this post we’ll look at some easy ways to make your 3D prints professional. From smoothing ...

Metaverse Objects Manifesto

The Metaverse Object Manifesto is a visionary proclamation that defines the essence of the metaverse — a digital realm where unity, diversity, and boundless potential converge. This manifesto reflects the collaborative spirit of its creators and the fusion of human wisdom with artificial intel...

Data Objects in Kotlin

Data objects are a new Kotlin language feature introduced in version 1.7.20 and are currently planned to be released in version 1.9. We’ll take a closer look at what they are and what issue they are trying to solve. What issue are data objects solving? Below we have a typi...

SwiftUI Observable Objects

SwiftUI, Apple’s innovative and user-friendly UI framework, provides a way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms with the power of Swift. One of its core components is Observable Objects, which play a critical role in managing the state of an app and updating the UI. “...

Objects in Focus : Ugolino and his Sons

This week’s featured model is the famous sculpture group ‘Ugolino and his Sons’ by the French sculptor Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux. The sculpture, standing at just under two metres, epitomises the Romantic preoccupation with extreme physical and emotional states. The subject is taken fr...

The Meaning of Found Objects

When I was in my twenties, I collected objects I found on the sidewalks of Los Angeles. An early find was a hand-written letter from a mother to her incarcerated son explaining why she wouldn’t bail him out of jail. “I have the money,” she wrote. “But you need to learn a less...

JWST now owns the top 8 spots for most distant objects

Over the course of 50 days, with a total of over 2 million seconds of total observing time (the equivalent of 23 complete days), the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF) was constructed from a portion of the prior Hubble Ultra Deep Field image. Combining light from ultraviolet through visible light and o...

JWST now owns the top 8 spots for most distant objects

One year ago, in 2022, Hubble still held the cosmic distance record. A section of the GOODS-N field, which contains the galaxy GN-z11, the most distant galaxy ever observed. Originally, Hubble data indicated a redshift of 11.1, a distance of 32.1 billion light-years, and an inferred age of th...

What if Earth Turned into a Black Hole?

Firstly, let’s understand what a black hole is. Black holes are fascinating and terrifying objects in space that have been the subject of many scientific studies and science fiction movies. They are regions of space where the gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape. Blac...

Why can circular objects roll with ease?

When looking around ourselves, we notice numerous circular objects. The same thing about them is that they can roll without any significant restraint. The fact that those objects are round is applied in the manufacture of wheels for cars. Wheels were invented as early as the 4th millennium BC by the...

Aligning rounded objects: a practical guide

and 12.84% of R in all directions. This is the math behind it. The square power affects the exponential decrease of the negative margin as the rounding radius decreases. As a result, the shape appears more rectangular and requires less negative expansion on the sides. Read More

Time Travel Through Everyday Objects And Artefacts: Unveiling 200 Years Of Evolution, From 1924 To 2124

In this article, you will leap into a time machine on everyday objects and artefacts. I will be using AI to witness 200 years of mind-blowing building trends or innovations spanning the fields of everyday objects, daily items we use, cultural artefacts, house items, tools, inventions, gadgets, de...