From Sketch TO Brilliance: Lesson 6 Reflective Objects!

<p>Welcome to Module 6, where we dive deep into the art of capturing the elusive beauty of<strong>&nbsp;reflective objects.</strong>&nbsp;Today&rsquo;s challenge: two luscious apples await us, poised on the canvas. Ah, but don&rsquo;t be deceived! Drawing apples, as many a seasoned artist knows, is a&nbsp;<strong>nuanced&nbsp;</strong>task. Their&nbsp;<strong>reflective skin</strong>&nbsp;defies the familiar curves we find in peaches or tennis balls. Without the&nbsp;<strong>secrets</strong>&nbsp;to master this art, your apples may fall flat.</p> <p>Yet, it&rsquo;s not just apples that dance with&nbsp;<strong>reflections.</strong>&nbsp;Cast your gaze around you, dear student. Reflective objects abound, each with its own allure, some subtle, others striking. Today, I unveil the&nbsp;<strong>mysteries&nbsp;</strong>behind rendering them with<strong>&nbsp;precision.</strong></p> <p>We commence with a review of our previous session, tackling a common stumbling block for artists &mdash; mastering the art of drawing&nbsp;<strong>ovals,</strong>&nbsp;no matter the angle.</p> <p>Then, I unveil the enigma of drawing&nbsp;<strong>reflective objects,</strong>&nbsp;exposing the intricacies to watch for and those to dismiss. We dissect the striped texture of apple skin,&nbsp;<strong>unraveling&nbsp;</strong>its&nbsp;<strong>secrets.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>