The Meaning of Found Objects

<p>When I was in my twenties, I collected objects I found on the sidewalks of Los Angeles. An early find was a hand-written letter from a mother to her incarcerated son explaining why she wouldn&rsquo;t bail him out of jail. &ldquo;I have the money,&rdquo; she wrote. &ldquo;But you need to learn a lesson. You need to save yourself.&rdquo; I felt as if the note was intended for me.</p> <p>On another occasion, I found a series of 35 mm film negatives depicting an old man with a young boy. The images reminded me of my grandfather whom I loved dearly. I enlarged the negatives and made them into greeting cards for family and friends. My grandfather mailed me back a card. On the inside he wrote, &ldquo;Keep your heart pure and you&rsquo;ll find your way.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: found Objects