Tag: Note

A Little Note, With a Lot of Love

Hi. I haven’t been around that much lately. Sorry about that. I’ve missed you guys. There’s a reason. I’ve been working on a new…publication. Website? Idea? Place to be and share my thoughts? Whatever you want to call it. It’s…different. Better, or a...

Libya summons envoy to Greece for consultations, issues protest note

The Libyan Government of National Unity yesterday instructed its ambassador in Athens to issue a protest note to Greece to clarify the circumstances of its foreign minister’s refusal to disembark from a plane during his visit to Tripoli last Thursday. A statement by the Libyan Foreign Minis...

A note on Dada

If you want a no bullshit good meal in Buenos Aires, you go to Dada Bistro. I won’t lie — I did learn about Dada from a 40-year-old Polish woman at a hostel in Patagonia. My first visit to Dada was about a week ago. I sat at the bar and had two Stellas and panko crusted shrimp (langos...

Rediscover Mary Swanzy an Avant Garde Irish Artist of Note

An almost forgotten Irish artist, whose Cubist paintings hang in the Hugh Lane Gallery Dublin deserves more recognition for the wild colour schemes and vitality in her work. Mary Swanzy’s paintings are hard to miss, and while adding a vibrancy to the Hugh Lane Gallery walls, many have never...

director’s note for Saving Face (2005)

I am fascinated by human ineptitude. I rarely see the world in terms of good and evil, right or wrong. I think most people strive to do the right thing. That the “right thing” is so often wrong is uncanny, sometimes tragic, and often very, very funny. My favorite stories arise from good-...

Is a 6D Representation of Meaning Possible? Exploring the Challenges and Possibilities of Semantic Modeling: A Concise Note.

Representation of meaning has long been a challenging problem in the field of computational linguistics. How can we capture the nuances of meaning and context in a way that is useful for natural language processing (NLP) algorithms? One approach that has gained traction in recent years is distributi...


When I wrote “Causality”, I thought it was a stand-alone story. I thought it was the end of the story. But that isn’t how a writer’s mind works. Paraphrasing several great writers: A story is never finished, only abandoned. I suppose I wasn’t ready t...