Tag: Nonprofit

Take Your Organization from Good to Great with our Nonprofit Talent Checklist

What do you want to be when you grow up?” As a child, you likely heard this question. As adults, we still ask children this question to better understand their creative, young minds along with their hopes and dreams for the future. We — and they, even from a young age — i...

Nonprofit Trends and Inspiration: Top 5 TrendSpotter Favorites of 2023

Winter solstice falls on December 21 and, in some cultures, is known as “the day the sun stands still.” It is the shortest day of the year — with just 8 hours and 46 minutes of sunlight. It is also the astronomical beginning of winter. From this day forward, days will lengthen. ...

DON’T BE LIKE ME: How Dignity Is An Afterthought In The Nonprofit World

Last year, I quit my job at a nonprofit organization in Milwaukee. I was completely disappointed, disillusioned and pissed off. I was ready to write off the whole system. Ever since, I’ve been trying to come to terms with the bullshit I saw. So I started researching what many refer to as th...

Why Nonprofit Employers Should Stop Asking Staff for Donations

It was expected that our development team members contribute routinely so we could ethically ask others to give to the same causes. I felt financially strained and insecure just pitching in $15 here and there while other members of my team contributed well over $100 to each campaign. I sim...

Join a Nonprofit Board

We’re all busier than usual right now with the holidays. Yet we also seem to make time to reflect on the year to come. Whether you consider New Year’s resolutions or not, you probably are thinking of 2024. If you’re not sure how you will fill extra time as you relax your current...

A to Z: Kaleidoscope of Black Culture and Experiences: Educator, Nonprofit Chief Executive, Dolly Adams

On a significant day, August 13, 1931, a momentous event took place. It was the signing of the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in the Armed Forces in the Field. This international treaty held a noble purpose: to establish crucial rules to safeguard the...