DON’T BE LIKE ME: How Dignity Is An Afterthought In The Nonprofit World

<p>Last year, I quit my job at a nonprofit organization in Milwaukee. I was completely disappointed, disillusioned and pissed off. I was ready to write off the whole system.</p> <p>Ever since, I&rsquo;ve been trying to come to terms with the bullshit I saw. So I started researching what many refer to as the &ldquo;Nonprofit Industrial Complex,&rdquo; which included talking to 40 people about their experiences working in nonprofits of different types and sizes. During that time, it became clear that I wasn&rsquo;t alone in the way I felt, and that all of this is common. Disturbingly common.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>