Tag: Networks

Generating Novel Imagery with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs, have been making waves in the AI community for their uncanny ability to generate strikingly realistic images. They’ve been used to create everything from stunningly realistic human faces to artworks that look like they’ve been painted by a master...

Vision Transformers vs. Convolutional Neural Networks

This blog post is inspired by the paper titled AN IMAGE IS WORTH 16X16 WORDS: TRANSFORMERS FOR IMAGE RECOGNITION AT SCALE from google’s research team. The paper proposes using a pure Transformer applied directly to image patches for image classification tasks. The Vision Transformer ...

ActivityPub, Fediverse and the Future of social networks

With the recent growth of Mastodon and Threads, you might have heard about ActivityPub, a relatively new networking protocol that has gathered momentum and is on its way to change how social networks work on the web. This article will give you an introduction to ActivityPub, how it’s used on t...

Building Powerful Neural Networks in JavaScript.

A Step-by-Step Guide Deep learning has revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and has found applications in various domains such as image recognition, natural language processing, and recommendation systems. JavaScript, a versatile and widely-used programming language, is no exc...

Road To Neural Networks — simplified

Before we talk about the cutting edge technology that is responsible for the AI craze, let’s first take a step back and explore the foundational concepts that paved the way for its emergence. At the core of every electronic device is a Digital Circuit. Digital circuits are the cornerstones for...

Graph Convolutional Networks: Introduction to GNNs

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) represent one of the most captivating and rapidly evolving architectures within the deep learning landscape. As deep learning models designed to process data structured as graphs, GNNs bring remarkable versatility and powerful learning capabilities. Among the var...

Why Hierarchies Can Outperform Networks (And Vice Versa)

I still remember the bright autumn day in 2014 when I turned off of the main road in Exton, Pennsylvania onto a remote path. I was going to meet Brian J. Robertson, the creator of a hot new “flat” management approach called Holacracy. I was skeptical, because it seemed to be a ...

Hands-on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) for Signal Processing, with Python

In my research, I use Machine (Deep) Learning a lot. Two days ago, I was working on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and seeing how I can apply it to my work. After the code was ready, I started writing this article on  Medium  and I tried to find the best words to start with ...

How to Tunnel and Pivot Networks using Ligolo-ng

On my journey to take on the OSCP I learned that pivoting/tunneling can be a confusing concept at first for beginners. After doing extensive research I came across an awesome easy to use tool called Ligolo-ng. Ligolo-ng is a simple, lightweight and fast tool that allows pentesters to ...

What good is beef? | Food and Environment Reporting Network

At the age of twelve, I parted ways with my religion. All it took was a sandwich. I broke the news to my father in the evening. He had just come home, early for a man who often stayed at work until 8 p.m., and he was reading the newspaper in a leisurely manner. “From this day forward, I am ...

Controlling the Narrative: Gatekeeping, Secret Societies, and Good Ol’ Boys Networks

What had happened was I was dating a writer who often bragged about being a part of several secret societies. (Why anyone would brag about this…) It turned out a few of my friends and several local political figures and historians that I looked up to were either members of or engaged in activ...

Navigating New Norms: The Emergence of Onshoring in Post-Pandemic Global Supply Networks

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a seismic shift in the operational dynamics of global supply chains, with onshoring emerging as a key strategy. This phenomenon represents a fundamental reorientation away from the traditional reliance on extended, multinational networks towards a...

Image-based Depth Estimation with Deep Neural Networks

As self-driving is going to be part of everyday life, safety has to be guaranteed in every possible driving condition. One key component of self-driving is the perception of the environment, as planning is based on the perception and acting is based on planning. For sensing, the collection of 3-dime...

Papers galore: A year-end update on immune receptor networks

Plants possess an extraordinarily diverse and dynamic array of NLR immune receptors that share a common evolutionary origin. Over time, the majority of these NLRs have undergone duplication and diversification, leading to their subfunctionalization into distinct types of receptors. These can operate...

How to use Cytoscape for making interaction networks: 6 simple steps

Step 1- Make the files required to make the networks Now, before using Cytoscape to replicate the network in figure 4A, we will need to have two types of files - A matching file: The matching file will contain all the mapping pairs that we want to show in the network, and essentially, every...

Introduction to Physics-informed Neural Networks

Over the last decades, artificial neural networks have been used to solve problems in varied applied domains such as computer vision, natural language processing and many more. Recently, another very promising application has emerged in the scientific machine learning (ML) community: the solution of...

Demystifying Neural Networks: A Simple Explanation Using Linear Algebra and Geometry

Neural networks have become ubiquitous in our lives, but their inner workings are still baffling even to many practitioners. In this post, I’ll explain how Feedforward Neural Networks conceptually work using just basic linear algebra and geometry. At their core, these networks lea...