Image-based Depth Estimation with Deep Neural Networks

<p>As self-driving is going to be part of everyday life, safety has to be guaranteed in every possible driving condition. One key component of self-driving is the perception of the environment, as planning is based on the perception and acting is based on planning. For sensing, the collection of 3-dimensional data is mandatory for precise localization of the objects in the scene. This task can be solved easily using high precision and high-resolution lidars, but they are quite expensive. One way to resolve this issue is to utilize cameras for 3D perception as well. As the camera sensors are only able to return color information from the scene in 2D, some type of 3D space estimation is needed. The evident solution is to determine a distance for every pixel in the RGB image, which is also called depth estimation.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>