Tag: Network

Clean Code Review Removing All the Extra Types

I recently came across an interesting post on the r/swift subreddit that featured an example of a “Clean Code” project, which doesn’t happen all too often. I was intrigued and decided to check it out on GitHub, then proceeded to download it, set it up, and try it myself. ...

How to Monitor/Observe Network Availability for Android Projects

Network/Cellular data is widely used in Android Projects. Most of the app currently exist in the play store have API call some way or another. As in the nature of API (Application Programming Interface), you are interacting with another application that your project does not have any authority in th...

Systematically Detecting Packet Validation Vulnerabilities in Embedded Network Stacks

This is a brief for the research paper “Systematically Detecting Packet Validation Vulnerabilities in Embedded Network Stacks”, published in the technical track of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023). This work was led by Paschal Amusuo. The full pap...

Understanding Fees on Collateral Network: A Comprehensive Guide

Hello Collateral Network Community! We’re excited to announce that we’ve just released a new video on our YouTube channel that delves into the fee structure of the Collateral Network platform. If you’re more of a visual learner, you can watch the video (https://youtu.be/zombuxZs...

From Networks of Computers to Network Computers — and Beyond

In a documentary released in 1990, Steve Jobs tells a story that he would return to repeatedly over the course of his career: I think one of the things that really separates us from the high primates is that we’re tool builders. I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion fo...

Areon Network: EVM Compatible With Proof of Area (PoA)

The Areon Network is a decentralized blockchain platform that utilizes a unique consensus mechanism called Proof of Area (PoA). PoA is a hybrid consensus mechanism that combines the cost-effectiveness of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) with the transactional security of Proof-of-Work (PoW). Under the PoA al...

We’re Always Connected: An ode to Mega Man Battle Network

If you paid attention to video game discourse in the ’00s, you may remember a common narrative about Mega Man. The early sidescrollers had been rightfully enshrined as all-time classics, but there was also this weird reboot they did on the Game Boy Advance called Mega Man Battle N...

LasMeta Partners With Vertex Network

LasMeta, a leading player in the metaverse innovation space, is thrilled to announce an exciting partnership with  VertexNetworkUK  ! What is Vertex Network? Vertex Network, the Decentralised Real-Time Edge Rendering and AI Computing Network. Vertex Network is dedicated to reshap...

Simplifying An AWS Network Design

Today I was working on my container for my Lambda function to use as a trigger for AWS CodeCommit to push to an S3 bucket. I started by revamping my base container based on findings from prior posts so I can use a single container with all the base files required for my bash custom runtime. More on ...

Docker — Container Network Basics

As a K8s administrator, understanding the fundamentals of Docker container networking is crucial, as containers form the underlying bedrock for K8s. What is Docker Container Networking? Docker container networking enables communication between Docker containers, and between Docker containers a...

Docker — Container Network Basics

Containerization has revolutionized software deployment. While the idea of isolating applications in their environment isn’t new, the way containers achieve this is particularly efficient. One of the essential aspects of containerization is networking. In a K8s cluster, understanding the basic...

Kubernetes network learning with Cilium and eBPF

This is the fifth installment in the series on Kubernetes networking learning, and it is planned to be the last one as previously outlined. Deep Dive into Kubernetes Network Model and Communication Understanding the Container Network Interface (CNI) Source code analysis: how kubelet and co...

Docker — Container Network Basics

As a K8s administrator, understanding the fundamentals of Docker container networking is crucial, as containers form the underlying bedrock for K8s. What is Docker Container Networking? Docker container networking enables communication between Docker containers, and between Docker containers a...

Use Cloudflare Tunnel to securely expose your home/lab network to the internet.

What is Cloudflare Tunnel Cloudflare Tunnel is a service provided by Cloudflare that allows users to securely connect to their internal resources, such as servers and databases, from anywhere in the world. It uses the Cloudflare network to create a secure and encrypted tunnel between the user&rsq...

Network health overview with mtr, ss, lsof and iperf3

We said many times in the past that personal and home network security is a habit. It’s not the operating system you install, it’s not how careful you are when browsing the Internet, it’s not even about the antivirus choice. You can either trust that your network is ...

Linux Network Namespace and five of its use cases

The Network namespace isolates the system’s physical network from the virtual network namespace within a single system. Each network namespace has its own interfaces, routing tables, forwarding rules, etc. Processes can be launched and dedicated to one...


Abu Dhabi, 18 June 2022 — AD Gaming partner ATTARIUS Network has launched its ATRN utility token to create a comprehensive blockchain gaming ecosystem in Abu Dhabi — a first for the region. Through the token and ATTARIUS’ platform, game developers across the region can now dev...

The Copenhagen bicycle network

Welcome to the first blog post of cities.by.bike! You might know us from visualizing cities only by their bicycle infrastructure on Instagram (@cities.by.bike). This means that we draw all bikelanes, cycleways and bicycle tracks of a city. Like this, one can detect areas which are wel...

3 Ways to Build/Grow your Network in London

When I first moved in, I was lucky enough to be accommodated by two wonderful ex-colleagues from Greece (anonymity is their middle name), that had already settled in London months earlier. They both left our country as well and came here for career development purposes. It’s qu...

Why we backed Drovo — the largest moving media network in the making

As a VC reviewing a myriad of opportunities every month, you risk missing out on true gems just by relying too much on pattern matching and letting your biases run wild. It’s easy to dismiss certain verticals because there hasn’t been much recent innovation. Or so you might believe blind...

Back Forty: From migrant farmworker to renowned chef | Food and Environment Reporting Network

In 2014, reporter Laura Tillman moved to Mexico City. She had spent the previous seven years covering the U.S.-Mexico border, where the scope of stories is often limited to policy debates and the imperative to get across. She was interested in finding more robust stories of migrants that played out ...

The Truth behind the Movie “Wasp Network”

After watching the Wasp Network on Netflix last night, I went back and looked at a story I wrote more than 20 years ago to see how reality matched up with the cinema tale of the Cuban spies who infiltrated organizations in Miami in the 1990s. The core incident happened on Feb. 24, 1996, when Cuba...

Women Who Code Network Launches in Vancouver

VANCOUVER — January 19th, 2017 — Women Who Code (WWCode), the world’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to supporting female engineers in their professional goals, announces the establishment of a local Network in Vancouver, BC. The inaugural e...

Is Elon Musk’s Backcountry Satellite Network a Lost Cause?

In August 2022, the outdoor community was abuzz with the announcement of a partnership between SpaceX and T-Mobile US, promising to extend cellular connectivity into the deepest recesses of the backcountry. This ambitious project, however, has faced significant hurdles, leading to a complex conversa...

Realio Network: The Future of Real Estate?

Realio Network is a revolutionary platform that is leading the way in uniting the realms of traditional real estate investment and cryptocurrency. Through the application of blockchain technology, Realio Network provides users with a secure and transparent environment to gain access to a range of re...

Empowering excellence: Celebrating one year of Credera’s Women in Engineering network

As part of our initial launch, we released a blog series featuring narratives from a few of our incredible female engineers at Credera. These stories not only shed light on the diverse paths into engineering, but also served as a source of inspiration for aspiring engineers. It’s not every day...

Build a Logistics Network

I am planning to sell a new Smart Home Device on Amazon. The perfect addition to any home looking to increase convenience and efficiency. With this device, you can control and monitor your home from your smartphone with features such as remote lighting control, temperature regulation, and even ho...

Getting started with network analysis of animal movements in R

Network analysis is the study of relationships. A bunch of things, at least some of which are connected, makes a graph; when the connections vary in strength, you have a network. In ecology there are two main uses of networks: studying spatial relationships, or social ones. This is a very brief r...

Exploring the Depths of Space Communication: A Comprehensive Look at the Deep Space Network

Origins and Evolution The genesis of the Deep Space Network dates back to the infancy of space exploration, a time when humanity dared to dream of touching the stars. Conceived by NASA in the late 1950s, the DSN emerged as a vital component of the agency’s ambitious endeavors to e...

Coding A Neural Network From Scratch in NumPy

In this article, I will walk through the development of an artificial neural network from scratch using NumPy. The architecture of this model is the most basic of all ANNs — a simple feed-forward network. I will also show the Keras equivalent of this model, as I tried to make my impl...

Understanding Backpropagation: The Engine Behind Neural Network Learning

In the realm of artificial intelligence and machine learning, neural networks have emerged as a dominant paradigm for solving complex tasks, from image recognition to natural language processing. At the heart of their success lies a fundamental algorithm known as backpropagation. Backpropagation is ...

The Waiter Needed A Bayesian Network To Satisfy the Constraints

I will do this with a small Bayesian Network (and some brute force). Each node will represent a choice (we need a zero since not everything is chosen) with the price of each item. Is there a way of choosing some subset of the appetizers to equal 15.05? Learn More

From Theory to Practice with Bayesian Neural Network, Using Python

I have a master's degree in physics and work as an aerospace engineering researcher. Physics and engineering are two distinct sciences that share a desire to understand nature and the ability to model it. The approach of a physicist is more theoretical. The physici...

Help - My Neural Network Does Not Work!

There are many ways in which an artificial neural network (ANN) can break down and not perform well. In this blog, we go through some of the essential requirements for getting a feed-forward ANN to work properly for a typical classification problem. The dataset chosen was the “Large Soybean Da...

Neural Network Regression Implementation and Visualization in Python

Neural network regression is a machine learning technique used for solving regression problems. In regression tasks, the goal is to predict a continuous numeric value (e.g., a price, a temperature, a score) based on input data. Neural networks, a type of deep learning model, can be used for regressi...

How I build a network of 25 simple tools that make me money

It was a few years ago when I stumbled upon calculator dot net and thought this is so simple & the traffic is insane. There has to be others like this. So I set out looking to build websites that were simple. How simple? 1 page simple… think word counters , image resizers, countdown...