Tag: negativity

How I Found the Good in My Life

Whatever your age, it feels unpleasant to look back and only recall challenges, struggles, and troubles. Imagine how the unpleasantness compounds after six decades of lived experience. This likely explains why I rarely looked back at my life. I didn’t want to open the Pandora’s box of...

Little Ways to Counteract Your Hardwired Negativity Bias

Ifyou feel like your brain is always anticipating or noticing problems, know it’s not your fault: humans have a hardwired negativity bias. When we have a negative experience, it often immediately gets stored in our working memory in order to help protect us from potential future harm. ...

Violence, Closing Thoughts: War, Negativity, and Rebellion

Mbembe cites Arendt’s description of the concentration camps as an embodiment of a kind of living death—an undead space between life and death, where the most horrible things one could imagine took place. What’s interesting is that a friend of mine who knew someone who was taken ho...