Violence, Closing Thoughts: War, Negativity, and Rebellion

<p>Mbembe cites Arendt&rsquo;s description of the concentration camps as an embodiment of a kind of living death&mdash;an undead space between life and death, where the most horrible things one could imagine took place. What&rsquo;s interesting is that a friend of mine who knew someone who was taken hostage by Hamas, said that he described the same thing in even more lurid terms. This also reminds me of how my anthropology professor last semester told us how he was almost primordially afraid to challenge the running narrative in the beginning stages of the war&mdash;beyond something like being put on &ldquo;administrative leave,&rdquo; there seemed to be a certain darkness lurking. As Arendt puts it:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>