Tag: Nations

United Nations Calls for Reduction in Meat Consumption to Combat Climate Change

At the heart of the roadmap is a call for Western nations, including the United States, to make substantial reductions in their meat consumption. The goal is to combat greenhouse gas emissions, given the significant environmental impact of meat production. Jeremy Coller, chair and founder of the ...

Ripple effects of SCOTUS’ wetland ruling threaten quality of nation’s water

In May 2023, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled in Sackett v. EPA that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cannot regulate pollutant discharges to wetlands that don’t have continuous surface water connections with the “waters of the United States” (WOTUS). T...

Elections and Political Developments Across Nations

Elections serve as the cornerstone of democratic governance, providing citizens with the opportunity to voice their preferences and shape the political landscape. In recent times, various countries around the globe have witnessed significant electoral events and political developments that reflec...

Maine’s and the Nation’s Struggle for Sanity

I’m publishing this series of articles to share and discuss my ruminations on coping with a troubled and messy world. You can “follow” me to never miss an article. In the aftermath of the Mass Shootings in Maine, the State faces intense scrutiny over its archaic Gun Laws[i]. For...


SMITH RIVER, CA — FALL 2012 — On the edge of this native nation of 120 people, along the foggy, windswept Oregon border, the Tribal Council assembles. Today’s guest is from the Tulalip nation. She wants permission to take photos. Matika Wilbur has no slides, no outline....

First Nations Peoples — Indigenous Australians

We pussycats don’t fly flags or have national holidays that celebrate the birth of a nation. But many humans on planet earth fly flags readers. For example, January 26th is a day many Australians celebrate — but for some it is a time for sorrow. Some Australians call it Australi...

What are the potential impacts on a nation’s pharmaceutical industry if it does not keep pace with AI developments in drug discovery?

The absence of AI integration in drug discovery pipelines can lead to protracted research and development (R&D) cycles. Traditionally, the discovery of new drugs is a time-intensive and iterative process, with a high degree of uncertainty and significant financial investment. AI-driven mode...

Pakistan: Tracing the Tapestry of a Nation’s History

The history of Pakistan is a rich tapestry woven with threads of ancient civilizations, colonial influences, and the struggle for independence. This article embarks on a journey through time, exploring the key milestones and significant events that have shaped the nation of Pakistan from its earlies...

Traditions is the base of nations

In today's fast-paced, ever-changing society, it's easy to overlook the value of old traditions. However, these time-honored customs hold a unique significance that can enrich our lives in profound ways. Old traditions serve as a bridge between generations, connecting us to our ancestors ...

The United Nations like this should really consider closing its doors for a rest.

Let the United Nations close its doors for a rest, which is what I said jokingly. Of course the United Nations is still very important. But blood is flowing in Gaza, and every child is crying heartbrokenly. Suddenly they stop crying. In the face of the biggest humanitarian disaster in the world t...