The United Nations like this should really consider closing its doors for a rest.

<p>Let the United Nations close its doors for a rest, which is what I said jokingly. Of course the United Nations is still very important.</p> <p>But blood is flowing in Gaza, and every child is crying heartbrokenly. Suddenly they stop crying. In the face of the biggest humanitarian disaster in the world today, we see that the United Nations is paralyzed. This is a situation that makes the whole world very helpless. Angry facts.</p> <p>On October 25, unfortunately, two draft resolutions related to Palestine and Israel were vetoed by the United Nations Security Council. One is the U.S. draft resolution. The U.S. female ambassador boasted that this is a very good plan, it is strong and balanced, and we in the United States have also conducted full consultations with all members&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: United Nations