Tag: Narcissism

Lou Andreas-Salomé’s Insights on Narcissism

Lou Andreas-Salomé, a distinguished figure in the early psychoanalytic movement and a contemporary of Sigmund Freud, forged a distinctive path in the study of narcissism, intertwining the disciplines of psychoanalysis, philosophy, and literature. In an era where psychoanalytic thought wa...

The Narcissism Of Political Parties

Political parties, those supposed champions of the people, have transformed into colossal egos in fancy suits. They’ve become so obsessed with themselves that it’s a wonder they can see past their own reflections in the mirror, let alone focus on the needs of the citizens they’re s...

Narcissism and ayahuasca. Can plant medicines cure the most incurable personality disorder?

“Narcissism is the public health crisis of our time,” according to clinical psychologist and expert in Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Doctor Ramani Durvasula (2020a). Additionally, humanity faces the dual threats of a global climate emergency and pandemic that require people to...

The Rise Of Conversational Narcissism

Wow. Lot to unpack here. By the way, the article I linked out is from TED and it’s about why you shouldn’t say “I know exactly how you feel.” Read it. It’s interesting. Conversational narcissism and the wrong 80–20 The “right” 80–...