Narcissism and ayahuasca. Can plant medicines cure the most incurable personality disorder?

<p>&ldquo;Narcissism is the public health crisis of our time,&rdquo; according to clinical psychologist and expert in Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Doctor Ramani Durvasula (2020a). Additionally, humanity faces the dual threats of a global climate emergency and pandemic that require people to put aside their self-interest to survive. Narcissism seems to be on the rise as a personality disorder simultaneously as the need for selflessness is at its highest. Some people believe that the only thing capable of creating the shift in consciousness required to save the day is an Amazonian plant medicine called ayahuasca (McKenna, 2016). Conversely, some point to the likes of Charles Manson and Jim Jones as examples of how psychedelics can lead narcissists to become even more dangerous. This essay will look at what makes a narcissist and how they behave. We will also distinguish between overt and covert narcissists and find out why the covert narcissist is considered more dangerous by psychologists (Briscoe, 2021). We will also analyze if ayahuasca is worthy of the hype it receives in the media as the savior of Western mental health. Or if Western culture is too inherently narcissistic to benefit in the same way as the community-focused tribes of the Amazon do.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>